Tuesday, March 30, 2010

in case you've forgotten, my due date is april 11...i'm 38 weeks and 2.5 days pregnant :)

i am hoping [a little too much] that i will go into labor soon. mostly because my mom was almost 3 weeks early with me and 2 weeks early with my brother. i think my hopes are up way too high though. oh well. my midwife reminded me that God has a perfect time for my baby to come...for me, for him/her...He knows. i certainly don't want a day before or after that perfect time. that brings me comfort.

being 9 months pregnant isn't so hard though. my feet swell pretty easily, but that's okay. it takes a good while to get comfortable at night to sleep...but that's okay too. heartburn isn't as bad as it was. i've been pretty emotional (poor matthias), but that is really okay too. makes me remember who i am without Christ and my desperate need for Him.

i've been having lots of braxton hicks contractions, mostly painless, so at least i know my uterus is staying strong and getting ready for it's biggest day thus far. :) i am just *waiting* for some painful contractions, or to lose my mucus plug (sorry), or something labor-ish. but like i said, i know it will all start when it's supposed to.

i can't wait to meet this little person inside of me. i'm thinking it's a little boy, but i truly don't know. we have cool (secret) names picked out now for both.

looking forward to having a homebirth... not sure how it's going to go, but i hope to write about it after it all happens. expecting great things. women were made to have babies and give birth. i was made to have and give birth to my baby...i'm confident of that. :)

well...that's all for now. until next time...

Monday, March 15, 2010

6 months later...

i just wanted to keep all you readers guessing so i decided not to update again for 6 months :) lol. (yes i still proudly use LOL)

i am 4 weeks from my due date and much larger than when i last posted. oh pregnancy. a wonderful, yet trying time. mostly wonderful.

looking at our wedding pictures taken only 10 months ago i am frequently reminded of my past life...the life where i could wear skinny jeans and shirts fit over my belly. i am also reminded of the ridiculously amazing trade-off i've been given. sure my body looks and will always look different and i was nauseous for a couple months, and blah blah blah, but the Creator of the universes is knitting together a tiny human inside of me. it doesn't get much more amazing than that. i am more and more convinced that those who get married and wait or choose not to have children are definitely missing out. it seems like a natural and God-ordained progression of things.

in other news, 2 christian artist have stolen our idea for a girl's name. shame on them. we thought we were so original. by the way...we don't know what we are having.

also by the way...we are having a HOME BIRTH. and yes it is LEGAL! and we are very excited.

i hope no one reads this.
