Monday, March 15, 2010

6 months later...

i just wanted to keep all you readers guessing so i decided not to update again for 6 months :) lol. (yes i still proudly use LOL)

i am 4 weeks from my due date and much larger than when i last posted. oh pregnancy. a wonderful, yet trying time. mostly wonderful.

looking at our wedding pictures taken only 10 months ago i am frequently reminded of my past life...the life where i could wear skinny jeans and shirts fit over my belly. i am also reminded of the ridiculously amazing trade-off i've been given. sure my body looks and will always look different and i was nauseous for a couple months, and blah blah blah, but the Creator of the universes is knitting together a tiny human inside of me. it doesn't get much more amazing than that. i am more and more convinced that those who get married and wait or choose not to have children are definitely missing out. it seems like a natural and God-ordained progression of things.

in other news, 2 christian artist have stolen our idea for a girl's name. shame on them. we thought we were so original. by the way...we don't know what we are having.

also by the way...we are having a HOME BIRTH. and yes it is LEGAL! and we are very excited.

i hope no one reads this.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA. i read it.
    i loooove you and your thoughts linds. keep posting. i need DEETS about this PRESH homebirth. and i want to see this TINY HUMAN INSIDE YOU. crazy. seriously started crying yesterday thinking about it.

    love love.

