Saturday, April 17, 2010

bday and baby

my 23rd birthday was thursday. it was a nice day. i was by myself for most of the day until matthias got home from work. then we picked up amazingly good pizza from zpizza and ate it at Bond Park in Cary. after that we went by the Fishers and picked up some yummy cupcakes B made me and headed home. Matthias sang me happy birthday and brought me my cookies and cream ice cream cake form Baskin Robbins. yummmmm. then he gave me my presents. when he came out with an anthropologie bag i didn't think twice, thinking that he would never shop there, but when i opened it i realized he has indeed bought me a really cute journal and  funky cool apron from there. so cool.

friday my mom and i got pedicures. they're so cute. we even got little flowers painted on them. hehe

last night we had dinner at my dad's house. it was nice! kabobs and a pineapple upside down cake...yumm. my dad got me a new's fun too! samsung impression...i think

in other news....i am just about a week past my due date...booo. soooo wish i could go ahead and have my sweet baby. :( but i'm doing okay. not miserable (most of the time).

matthias' parents are on their way here right now. should be here any minute. hope they get to meet this baby before they leave in a week!!

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