Monday, April 12, 2010


my sleep schedule was something like this:

10:30 get ready for bed
10:45 lay in bed and text ChaCha for a while until i feel sleepy
11:00 fall asleep
12:30 wake up wide awake, get online, eat some crackers,
1:45 finally go back to sleep
3:00 wake up to use restroom
6:00 wake up to make matthias' lunch and see him off for work, have a little something to eat, pray with him, read my bible
7:30 go back to sleep
10:30 wake up
and here i am

i do have a really strange sleep cycle these days.

i am 40 weeks and a day pregnant today. i'm  feeling okay, just a bit uncomfortable this morning. i'm having more and more braxton hicks, but i am not paying them too much attention as they don't really hurt. i do wish i would go into labor today. :)

my 23rd birthday is thursday (tax day), so that's exciting. my only request is an ice cream cake...haha. and a baby.

truthfully, i have a hard time asking God for the baby to come now, because what if His plan is better that it comes in a week? you know? but if He IS taking request, i'd request today or tomorrow :)

well i'm going to go. i'm mostly focusing on resting, but i have some things on my to do list today. would love to do them while in labor...

:) lindsay and baby-in-belly


  1. I am very excited for the three of you! You are going to be GREAT Godly parents! I love you all!!

  2. linds, you are a CHAMP! i'm praying for you all the way over here on the west coast and love you much. you ask Jesus BOLDLY in his name that your baby would come today!!

  3. so excited for you!! hoping you go into labor soon! baby comes when baby wants to come! lol

