Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Emerald is almost 9 months!

Our pitiful Christmas picture.
The first few months seemed to go by pretty slow, but here lately it has all seemed to fly by. My little baby is growing up. We are seeing so much of her personality. She seems to be very spirited, maybe a little strong willed. :) Is she sleeping through the night? Well, um, long as I'm right there beside her and nurse her a couple of times. Don't judge us!

Speaking of nursing, I have wanted to make a post about nursing for a while now. I love nursing and since becoming a mother I have become even more of a nursing advocate. Now, I'm more of the never use a bottle or pacifier and nurse when your baby (or you) wants to type of mom, but that doesn't mean I think that is the only way. Certainly I know that a baby with a bottle and a pacifier can be just as loved and cared for! I know breastfeeding can be challenging and inconvenient and boy, do I have the stories to prove it! I was so stubborn the first few months that even if it mean continual, all day nursing (just about), never going anywhere, and intense pain, I was going to do it if that's what I thought my little one needed. I've learned so much, I feel like whenever God blesses us with another child, it will be a bit easier.

If you want to breastfeed your baby...don't give up! Talk to other moms who did it--with challenges--cracked, torn nipples, mastitis, low milk supply, poor latch, plugged ducts...there is (almost) no problem that cannot be overcome. Check out the Le Leche League. The outcome is truly worth it. The relaxation hormones you get are worth it!!

Hopefully I'll be able to blog more. I'm always thinking of something I'd like to blog about. We'll see.

***Also, something I think new parents (like myself) should know: If you feel tired, like your world has been turned upside down, like you have hardly any time for yourself, inconvenienced, or anything of the sort YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. It will get better, just relax, nurse again and try to enjoy your little one!


  1. Wow! Emerald has never taken one bottle? Dang girllll! Amos has taken a bottle here and there to make sure in case of an emergency he'd take one, and so we can go on a date now and then (has only happened once thus far! but hopefully a little more soon enough). That is incredible! How often does she nurse now? Is she eating solids? LOVE YA!

  2. I wish I could join in on mommytalk...but let me just say that I am PROUD OF YOU!!!!


