Monday, March 14, 2011


a lot of my friends are talking about doing adventurous things, going to exotic places, doing fun things and encouraging their friends to do the same, to live the life they always dreamed of.

i am! i may not be in iceland or figi or snorkelling and swimming with dolphins, but i am living the life and adventure i dreamt of. living life with a wonderful, Godly, hard-working man and raising a child (and hopefully many more) that will love the Lord more than her parents. it may not look glamorous, but i wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!

thank you Jesus for my life!!!


  1. I would say that a Godly life that you and your manly man chose has been a blessing for many...I love you..Mom-Mom

  2. i agree!!! make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, right? and work with your hands.

  3. I AGREE TOO!!! I love love love my life!!! And Brit - that is such a good point. I always think to myself, I'll do plenty of traveling in the Millennial Kingdom. ha. ;)

  4. love it! so wonderful to be reminded of this myself.

